5 Signs there’s an Enemy in the Camp…

2 min readJan 11, 2022

No one likes a traitor, a backstabber, or a secret envious person. Many admit an known enemy is better than a undercover spiteful friend. Have you ever asked yourself, why you made it where you are today successfully. Nine times out of ten, many we start with simply won’t be interested in finishing with us. If an enemy is near , and plans to stay close…the list below will definitely help you to “sniff" them out much faster. The quicker the better. Envious hearted people will go the extra mile, to ruin those they strive to be JUST LIKE !

Signs A traitor is Near

The 5 tell-tell Signs

  • When you share good news, pay attention to who celebrates you. Then observe those who delay in applause. This isn’t narcissistic , it’s wise!
  • If you notice plans seem to be suddenly sabotaged , after sharing good news with family and friends. Definitely a sign of a traitor in your camp
  • How much does your closest associates support you, compared to how available they expect you to be in their times of need? Those who disregard the value of your time…just may be doing it on purpose
  • Distance between you and associates, once recieving good news. This could be a sign they just aren’t as happy for you , as you were from them.
  • Social Media posts , seem to direct memes towards you. If a grown person can’t communicate, but expects you read their mind through memes…how far would they go to tarnish your character openly ?

Im just here to inspire!

The world would be a better place , if people learned to outgrow those things and people sooner than later that no longer suites them ! Senseless crimes, unnecessary emotional damage, and prolonged destiny are often times the results of trusting envious hearted people.

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